Aquest projecte neix d’un exercici narratiu col.laboratiu i des
d’un primer moment es va decidir per tractar les adversitats que
es creuen per la vida de les persones, no es volia parlar de les
solucions, sinó del mateix fet de trobar-s’hi. Es va voler que
proposta gràfica fos informal i els textos agafessin un caire
més seriós i reflexiu. Per a la seva execució es va optar per o
escenari de conte clàssic, després d’una revisió de diversos
d’ells l’elecció es va decantar per Pinotxo i en concret
l’escena de la balena, pel seu dinamisme narratiu i pel seu
encaix amb la idea de trobada que volíem plasmar.
This project is born from a collaborative
narrative exercise and from the first moment it was decided to
deal with the adversities that are created in people's lives,
we didn't want to talk about solutions, but about the very
fact of finding them there. We wanted the graphic proposal to
be informal and the texts to take a more serious and
reflective tone. For its execution, a classic story scenario
was chosen, after a review of several of them, the choice was
made for Pinocchio and specifically the whale scene, for its
narrative dynamism and for its fit with the idea of encounter
that we wanted to embody. Sorry but we don't have this
Wintermute Forwarding translated and you can only
read/download the Catalan version.